Thursday, 8 March 2012

Only Way Is Reality - Ugly side to the real world.


A philosophical definition of reality is the state of things as they actually exist, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.  In a wider definition, reality includes everything that is and has been, whether or not it is obseverable or comprehensible. A still more broad definition includes everything that has existed, exists, or will exist. Now this seems too technical so in simplistic terms reality is real, not hidden or fake, it is seen how it should be, however in today’s world we are a million miles away from reality, with make up to hide our true beauty and TV programmed to hide the real pain.

In this blog it will look into how the world really is seen through the eyes of an individual and not how it is portrayed to be through the eyes of reality TV where the word ‘reality’ is altered to take on a whole different meaning.

Do we all really speak, look and sound like this? No. No one does.. So lets enter the world of reality....


Post-colonialism deals with the effects of colonisation on cultures and societies. Many European cultures, including Britain, once had empires which involved sending settlers to areas of Africa and the East and colonising those areas – taking them over and imposing their culture on the culture already there. So really the defintion could be ‘the period that came after colonialism’.. Simple.

Post-colonialism is the study of the power relationships between previously colonised cultures and people and the way they are represented by us, the colonisers. Do we represent them as ‘third world’ countries, struggling, backward people? Certainly, we tend to do this with India which ironically, has a very ancient and sophisticated culture, much older than ours and much more civilised!


Postmodernism is a very complicated term which is difficult to define, so instead the video below should explain the outline of postmodernist views...


Marxism can be broken down into the dominant class (those in control) who create a dominant ideology (set of ideas/beliefs). The media play a major role in transmitting this ideology to us as if it were commonsense to us along with the educaton systen, the goverment and the legal system.


feminism studies many areas of gender inequalities such as the study of representations, the meanings in texts and the nature of auidence consumption along with social relations. Feminists are most strongly concerned with whether popular cultural texts replicate inequalities of power between men and women.